
Supysonic looks for four files for its configuration: /etc/supysonic, ~/.supysonic, ~/.config/supysonic/supysonic.conf and supysonic.conf in the current working directory, in this order, merging values from all files.

Configuration files must respect a structure similar to Windows INI file, with [section] headers and using a KEY = VALUE or KEY: VALUE syntax.

If you cloned Supysonic from its GitHub repository you’ll find a roughly documented configuration sample file at the root of the project, file conveniently named config.sample. More details below.

[base] section

This sections defines the database and additional scanning config.


The most important configuration, defines the type and parameters of the database Supysonic should connect to. It usually includes username, password, hostname and database name. The typical form of a database URI is:


If the connection needs some additional parameters, they can be provided as a query string, such as:


Supported drivers are sqlite, mysql and postgres (or postgresql).

As SQLite connects to local files, the format is slightly different. The “file” portion of the URI is the filename of the database. For a relative path, it requires three slashes, for absolute paths it’s also three slashes followed by the absolute path, meaning actually four slashes on Unix systems.

; Relative path
database_uri = sqlite:///relative-file.db
; Absolute path on Unix-based systems
database_uri = sqlite:////home/user/supysonic.db
; Absolute path on Windows
database_uri = sqlite:///C:\Users\user\supysonic.db

A MySQL-compatible database requires either MySQLdb or pymysql to be installed. PostgreSQL needs psycopg2.


For MySQL if no character set is defined on the URI it defaults to utf8mb4 regardless of what’s set on your MySQL installation.

If database_uri isn’t provided, it defaults to a SQLite database stored in /tmp/supysonic/supysonic.db.


A space separated list of file extensions the scanner is restricted to. Useful if you have multiple audio formats in your library but only want to serve some. If left empty, the scanner will try to read every file it finds.


If set to yes, allows the scanner to follow symbolic links.

Disabled by default, enable it only if you trust your file system as nothing is done to handle broken links or loops.

Sample configuration:

; A database URI. Default: sqlite:////tmp/supysonic/supysonic.db
database_uri = sqlite:////var/supysonic/supysonic.db
;database_uri = mysql://supysonic:supysonic@localhost/supysonic
;database_uri = postgres://supysonic:supysonic@localhost/supysonic

; Optional, restrict scanner to these extensions. Default: none
scanner_extensions = mp3 ogg

; Should the scanner follow symbolic links? Default: no
follow_symlinks = no

[webapp] section

Configuration relative to the HTTP server.


Directory used to store generated files, such as resized cover art or transcoded files. Defaults to /tmp/supysonic.


Maximum size (in megabytes) of the cache (except for trancodes). Defaults to 512 MB.


Maximum size (in megabytes) of the transcode cache. Defaults to 1024 MB (1 GB).


Rotating file where some events generated by the web server are logged. Leave empty to disable logging.


Defines the minimum severity threshold of messages to be added to log_file. Possible values are:


  • INFO




Defaults to WARNING.

mount_api (on or off)

Enable or disable the Subsonic REST API. Should be kept on or Supysonic would be quite useless. Exists mostly for testing purposes. Defaults to on.

mount_webui (on or off)

Enable or disable the administrative web interface.


Setting this off will prevent users from defining a preferred transcoding format.

Defaults to on.


Space-separated list of prefixes that should be ignored from artist names when returning their index. Example: if the word The is in this list, artist The Rolling Stones will be listed under the letter R. The match is case insensitive. Defaults to El La Le Las Les Los The.

Sample configuration:

; Optional cache directory. Default: /tmp/supysonic
cache_dir = /var/supysonic/cache

; Main cache max size in MB. Default: 512
cache_size = 512

; Transcode cache max size in MB. Default: 1024 (1GB)
transcode_cache_size = 1024

; Optional rotating log file. Default: none
log_file = /var/supysonic/supysonic.log

; Log level. Possible values: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.
; Default: WARNING
log_level = WARNING

; Enable the Subsonic REST API. You'll most likely want to keep this on.
; Here for testing purposes. Default: on
;mount_api = on

; Enable the administrative web interface. Default: on
;mount_webui = on

; Space separated list of prefixes that should be ignored on index endpoints
; Default: El La Le Las Les Los The
index_ignored_prefixes = El La Le Las Les Los The

[daemon] section

Configuration for the daemon process that is used to watch for changes in the library folders and providing the jukebox feature.


Unix domain socket file (or named pipe on Windows) used to communicate between the daemon and clients that rely on it (eg. CLI, folder admin web page, etc.). Note that using an IP address here isn’t supported. Default: /tmp/supysonic/supysonic.sock


Whether or not to start the watcher that will listen for library changes. Default: yes


Delay (in seconds) before triggering the scanning operation after a change have been detected. This prevents running too many scans when multiple changes are detected for a single file over a short time span. Default: 5 seconds.


Command used by the jukebox mode to play a single file. See the jukebox documentation for more details.


Rotating file where events generated by the file watcher are logged. If left empty, any logging will be sent to stderr.


Defines the minimum severity threshold of messages to be added to log_file. Possible values are:


  • INFO




Defaults to WARNING.

Sample configuration:

; Socket file the daemon will listen on for incoming management commands
; Default: /tmp/supysonic/supysonic.sock
socket = /var/run/supysonic.sock

; Defines if the file watcher should be started. Default: yes
run_watcher = yes

; Delay in seconds before triggering scanning operation after a change have been
; detected.
; This prevents running too many scans when multiple changes are detected for a
; single file over a short time span. Default: 5
wait_delay = 5

; Command used by the jukebox
jukebox_command = mplayer -ss %offset %path

; Optional rotating log file for the scanner daemon. Logs to stderr if empty
log_file = /var/supysonic/supysonic-daemon.log
log_level = INFO

[lastfm] section

This section allow defining API keys to enable Last.FM integration in Supysonic. Currently it is only used to scrobble played tracks and update the now playing information.

See to obtain such keys.

Once keys are set, users have to link their account by visiting their profile page on Supysonic’s administrative UI.


Last.FM API key


secret key associated to the API key

Sample configuration:

; API and secret key to enable scrobbling.
; Defaults: none
;api_key =
;secret =

[transcoding] section

This section defines command-line programs to be used to convert an audio file to another format or change its bitrate. All configurations in the sample below have not been thoroughly tested. For more details, please refer to the transcoding configuration.

; Programs used to convert from one format/bitrate to another. Defaults: none
transcoder_mp3_mp3 = lame --quiet --mp3input -b %outrate %srcpath -
transcoder = ffmpeg -i %srcpath -ab %outratek -v 0 -f %outfmt -
decoder_mp3 = mpg123 --quiet -w - %srcpath
decoder_ogg = oggdec -o %srcpath
decoder_flac = flac -d -c -s %srcpath
encoder_mp3 = lame --quiet -b %outrate - -
encoder_ogg = oggenc2 -q -M %outrate -

[mimetypes] section

Use this section if the system Supysonic is installed on has trouble guessing the mimetype of some files. This might only be useful in some rare cases.

See the following links for a list of examples:

; Extension to mimetype mappings in case your system has some trouble guessing
; Default: none
;mp3 = audio/mpeg
;ogg = audio/vorbis