
Python implementation of the Subsonic server API


Louis-Philippe Véronneau, Alban Féron


2019, 2021

Manual section



supysonic-cli [subcommand]
supysonic-cli help [subcommand]


Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API. Current supported features are:

* browsing (by folders or tags)
* streaming of various audio file formats
* transcoding
* user or random playlists
* cover arts (as image files in the same folder as music files)
* starred tracks/albums and ratings
* Last.FM scrobbling
* Jukebox mode

The “Subsonic API” is a set of adhoc standards to browse, stream or download a music collection over HTTP.

The command-line interface is an interface allowing administration operations without the use of the web interface. If ran without arguments, supysonic-cli will open an interactive prompt, with arguments it will run a single command and exit.


supysonic-cli has three different subcommands:

help [subcommand]

When used without argument, displays the list of available subcommands. With an argument, shows the help and arguments for the given subcommand.

user args

User management commands

folder args

Folder managemnt commands

For more details on the user and folder subcommands, see the subsonic-cli-user(1), subsonic-cli-folder(1) manual pages.


Bugs can be reported to your distribution’s bug tracker or upstream at

See Also

supysonic-cli-user(1), supysonic-cli-folder(1)